Game Info

Manful The Stripper

You want to be entertained that's why you go to the nearby strip club. There you meet muscular stripper who is a local superstar. His name is Adrun and he loves giving private shows to the best clients. In this gay erotic game, you have to convince this handsome stripper to perform an exclusive nude show only for you.

Gayme by Humplex.

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    Anonymous 3 years ago

    Buttslap Ending

    Touch: Stage, stick
    Talk: Do you have to wear a hat?
    ← Back
    Talk: Good Evening
    ← Back
    Talk: What’s your name,hunk?
    Talk: You must be really popular here!
    Talk: Can you take your shirt?
    ← Back
    Talk: How long have you been working here
    Talk: Aren’t those cuff comfortable?
    ← Back
    Talk: You must be popular here!
    Talk: Ooo, do you rip those pants off on stage?
    Touch : all
    Talk: Those muscles of yours turning me on!
    Talk: Underwear off! Underwear off!
    Touch: Cock
    Talk: Gimme that cream, stud!

    Bed Ending

    Talk: Whats your name hunk?
    Talk: How long?
    Talk: Do you get a lot of tips?
    ← Back
    Talk: You must be popular here!
    Talk: Can you take your shirt?
    Talk: Ooo, do you rip those pants off on stage?
    ← Back
    Talk: Those muscles of yours turning me on!
    Talk: I want to take you back to my place
    Talk: Underwear off! Underwear off!
    Touch: Cock
    Talk: Gimme that cream,stud!

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    Anonymous 2 years ago

    how do we go to the bed ending

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    Max Richards, ölümcül çekici olma hastalığı ile doğan bir genç. Bu rahatsızlığı nedeniyle kendisini sıkıntılı durumlar içinde bulan Max’ın hayatı, kendisine has tuhaf bir hastalığı olan Alex adında bir kız ile tanışmasıyla bambaşka bir hal alır. Max, Alex’in yardımıyla birinin ölümüne sebep olmadan kedisini keşfetmeye başlar. Houston Waters