If you want to see interesting puzzles and passionate gay porn in a mix, check the special category on this site. Play Bad Boys, Dirty education, and other flash games and get gays porn content as rewards for the right answers. Free online sex games are presented for smart fans of handsome twinks and hunks.
Category: Puzzle porn games
Dirty education
47.32K Played2 Comments93 Likes
Kenny's hormones are kicking in, so he has a hard time concentrating and his grades are failing. He decided to go to a special summer camp full of big beefy men, and they proudly use sex as part of the education. This game is a combination of puzzle solving, visual novel, and RPG.
Secret Strip 6 – A Police Officer
99.82K Played23 Comments305 Likes
A Police Officer - Undress game from the Secret Strip series by SexyG. Play free online on Gaymes.
Gay Sex Puzzle
46.89K Played1 Comments72 Likes
This gay sex puzzle game is straightforward. Use the mouse to assemble the puzzles. Сlick on a puzzle piece to rotate it into the correct position. Meet the goal, and unlock a gay sex picture as a reward. Press "Help" for hint.
Where in the Bathhouse is Tony Indiana
32.83K Played0 Comments58 Likes
Small proof of concept of a Carmen Sandiego like game. How to play the game: Travel around the world, visiting places, and gathering clues. The clues will let you know where the criminal went, but also who the criminal is. You can’t capture the criminal without knowing his identity! To do this, go to the Case File and fill up the identikit. Once you think you have enough clues, hit Query for Warrant. If the criminal was identified, you will be told. Gayme by CæsarCub
Secret Strip 5 – An exotic indian
83.11K Played36 Comments309 Likes
Another game from the Secret Strip series by SexyG, this time - an exotic indian. Instructions: - Click on his face to change it. - Click on his clothes or items and see if they disappear. - Each one of his clothes or items are related to a face. Before stripping them, remember to put the right face on. - Different clothing or stripping and face combinations strips other clothes or items. - To put his items or clothes back, click its respective heart. When naked: - Change the face and cli...
Yag World
348.84K Played23 Comments736 Likes
In this gay adventure game you can meet and talk to more than 12 characters and get sexy with them. Pick your destination and who'll you talk to and what you'll do next. You must read dialogs and texts to pick the right answers. In this gay game the player takes role of an adventurer in the land of Yag. From there you get to choose where to go, who to talk to, what puzzles to solve, and which one of the 15 possible romanceable characters you want to fuck with. Not many adventure games can bo...
Bruce Gordon – Magical Battler Scout!
34.22K Played0 Comments77 Likes
Mahō Shōnen: Bruce Gordon - Magical Battler Scout is an erotic falling pieces puzzle game with a tongue-in-cheek "magical girl" story. Saves are stored in the browser, so they are not that permanent. Be warned that this is more of a proof of concept, so the story is not finished.
Bad Boys
54.00K Played2 Comments103 Likes
This is simple gay sex puzzle game. Just follow the instructions before each level, achieve the goal and get gay sex hentai picture. Enjoy!
Recent Comments
I keep trying to get that damn third ending and its just not happening, i keep getting the same t...
Is there more games like this?
Too many steps in the puzzle but it always has a hot ending. Wish I could resurrect a hot pharaoh...
It was not bad game but why cover up his dick with a sun that is stupid . That was the down part.
who is Jack, Ralf, and Jerry?
I don’t know what to do
oh shxt(literally)
I love man and man sex