Category: Shooting porn games

6 Shooting gaymes

Funny shooting sex games about gays are waiting for your attention. Save Your Ass is a well-known flash game about an old hunter who is trying to protect his anus from naked gays who are running around the forest. Play this gay game now and enjoy many other porn games from this category online for free.

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Save Your Ass

Save Your Ass

56.92K Played0 Comments

Legendary gay sex game named Save Your Ass deserves your attention for sure. You control the hunter who is traveling through the forest full of naked gays. Shoot them or they will bang your butthole hard.

Cunt game

Cunt game

12.03K Played2 Comments

Your goal in this shooting cunt game is to kill bosses while avoiding things that might hurt you. Grab power up items to aid in your journey. Instructions: Use "A" and "D" KEYS to move and use YOUR MOUSE to aim and shoot.

Adulterers Strike

Adulterers Strike

15.27K Played0 Comments

Note: This game caters to both male and female characters, making it suitable for both gay and straight players. This installment marks a continuation of the Adulterers series, an intriguing narrative centered around an ancient secret society wielding the formidable powers of sex. A recent discovery of a new planet, inhabited by sexual parasites, has posed a threat to Earth. In response, the Adulterers have taken action, defending against these attacks and launching their own counteroffensive...

The Strip

The Strip

56.59K Played7 Comments

Nice gay sex game which will test your accuracy skills. A well-built male stripper is standing in front of you dressed in a latex outfit and you have to throw oil in him to undress the handsome guy. Be accurate and careful cause you have only 15 seconds in order to take off a certain item of clothing. In the end, you will be rewarded with awesome view of his dick.

Stefanus de Kinky Keeper

Stefanus de Kinky Keeper

34.89K Played0 Comments

Amazing flash game dedicated to ex-goalkeeper Stefan Postma who was involved in sex scandal. He stays inside the soccer goal showing his bare ass and you have to throw a vibrator into his butt. You have 30 seconds. Follow the scale and shoot sex toy into guy's butt cheeks when it is fully red.

Hemorroid Hero

Hemorroid Hero

52.87K Played2 Comments

Play funny gay flash game about poop, toilet paper, hemorrhoid, and ointment. You should save the ass of experienced gay slut. He is trying to manage all his problems in the bathroom. Get ready for the action!