Game Info

Doug’s Night Out

It's party time! Hot sexy guy Doug has a night out and goes to the club to dance naked and walk through the dance floor searching for like-minded boys to bonk and increase sexual skills to have sex with the stripper.

A gayme by Jakbot.

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    dont know how to play

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      Teuby 2 years ago

      There is a green button on the buttom right of your screen, it’s kind of a joystick for you to move the main character around (up,down,right,left). Once it’s tilted, press “space” on your keyboard to make the main character walk. Then when you close to something with which you can interact, a button on your screen will show. Sometime you have to click on the screen to interact with objects/people (ie: touch someone pants to make it go away, then touch his cock to suck it, and so on). Once you got that it’s pretty intuitive.

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    Anonymous 2 years ago

    ok what do you do

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    Anonymous 2 weeks ago

    bro i can get the note